Every app and service listed below is regulated, secure and designed to give you greater control of your money.

Open Banking Limited does not endorse the products, services or statements listed here. For further information see our website terms and conditions.

Showing 81-96 of 96 results

NestEgg Decision Engine

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Loans and Alternative Lending
Bank Account Aggregator
Personal Finance Tools

Moneyhub Financial Technology

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TSPs that help ASPSPs
TSPs that help TPPs
TSPs that help ASPSPs
TSPs that help TPPs


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Bank Account Aggregator
Financial Safeguarding
Personal Finance Tools
Consent Management
Bank Account Aggregator
SME Financial Management

Fumopay business

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SME Financial Management
TSPs that help ASPSPs
TSPs that help TPPs

Nuapay Open Banking Payments

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E-commerce payments
SME Financial Management

DirectID Insights

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Cash flow
Debt Management Advice
SME Financial Management
Loans/Automatic overdraft borrowing
Identity Verification


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Investment Tools
Micro savings/Account sweeping